

  1. How safe is to be shopping with Rita Rosa?
We take your business seriously and, above all, want our customers to be happy. We accept a number of the most-trusted online payment methods available today.
  1. Does Rita Rosa allow to return swimwear?

Due to the personal nature of swimwear, we do not accept returns for intimate items. If you receive an incorrect item, size, or color other than what you ordered, don't worry! You will receive a full refund on your order. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

  1. How do I make sure I order the right size?
We have detail description on checkout section. We have a size chart available. Contact us if you are doubting about the size you should be ordering.
  1. Where are does products are from?
All the products are from Brazil.
  1. What is the return policy?
The item must be returned back in the same condition it was received and within 7 Days of receiving the item.
  1. What are the shipping options?
We provide worldwide shipping options, catering to 12 countries, including the United States, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom. All orders are processed & shipped as soon as possible through many of our domestic and international options.
  1. How do I track my order?
Tracking numbers will be sent as soon as we are able to ship your order. Sometimes additional delays may arise that are beyond our control such as postal delays or customs inspections.
  1. When will I receive my order?
The typical delivery time frame is anywhere from 2-6 business days.
  1. What do I do if I never received my order?
If your package does not arrive you are eligible for a refund or replacement. Please reach out to rb@ritarosabrazilianbeachwear.com for additional assistance in this matter.
  1. What do I do if I received a defective order?
We are more than willing to process a refund for mistakes made on our end.
Order Cancelations will only be considered up to 24 Hours after your purchase as items are processed and sent out ASAP.
If you receive the wrong size, color, or product, we will refund you the full amount. If the mistake is on your end, please contact our customer service at rb@ritarosabrazilianbeachwear.com
  1. How do I make changes to an order I’ve already placed?
Order Cancelations or changes will only be considered up to 24 Hours after your purchase as items are processed and sent out ASAP. Please reach out to rb@ritarosabrazilianbeachwear.com immediately.
  1. How do I contact your company if my question isn’t answered here?
Please reach out to rb@ritarosabrazilianbeachwear.com for any further assistance.


Meet the Owner and Creative Force-Rosie

As a Brazilian-born entrepreneur, I've always had a deep appreciation for the art of swimwear design. Brazil is known for its bold, colorful, and stylish bikinis, and I'm proud to bring that same spirit and creativity to my own line of swimwear. While I don't personally create the swimwear, I meticulously curate a diverse selection from trusted suppliers who share our commitment to quality, comfort, and style.

But it doesn't stop there - I'm also personally involved in other aspects of the brand. As the owner of Rita Rosa Brazilian Beachwear, I'm the face behind the brand. You'll often find me modeling our swimwear, capturing stunning content for our social media platforms, and handling the marketing strategies myself.

At Rita Rosa Brazilian Beachwear , we believe in transparency and authenticity. When you see me wearing our swimwear, you can be assured that it's not just a model posing for a photo, but the owner and creator of the brand genuinely embracing the products we offer. This hands-on approach allows me to truly understand the customer experience and ensure that every piece meets our high standards.

With a deep understanding of our customers' desires, I personally curate a collection that celebrates body diversity and empowers individuals to embrace their unique beauty. Our swimwear is designed to provide both comfort and confidence, catering to different body types and styles.

Furthermore, our commitment extends to ethical sourcing and sustainable practices. We prioritize environmentally friendly choices and work closely with our suppliers to ensure that our swimwear meets these standards.

Shopping with Rita Rosa Brazilian Beachwear means more than just buying swimwear; it's joining a community built on inclusivity, self-expression, and exceptional quality. Whether you're lounging by the pool or strolling along the beach, our swimwear is crafted to make you feel amazing and reflect your personal style.

Thank you for being part of our journey. Your support allows me to continue sharing my passion for swimwear design, creating captivating content, and providing a personalized experience. Together, let's dive into a world of style, comfort, and self-expression.😊👙🏖️🌏